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Cellwood Siding Prices

Explore Cellwood siding prices on their most popular products, including the Dimensions, Progressions, Evolutions and the Colonial beaded siding options.

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Cellwood Evolutions Siding

Cellwood Evolutions vinyl siding is the entry level lap siding option that is available in three profiles, including a double 4", double 5", double 4.5" and a double 4.5" dutch lap. The Evolutions comes in 13 color combinations and options.

-- Price Range: $
(1 out of 5)

Cellwood Evolutions Prices

Cellwood Progressions

Cellwood Progressions comes in five distinct profiles, including a double 4", double 5", double 4.5", dutch lap, 5" dutch lap and triple 3". Each of the profiles has different color options, but the double 4" comes in up to 21 exterior colors.

-- Price Range: $$
(2 out of 5)

Cellwood Progressions Vinyl Siding Cost

Cellwood Colonial Beaded

Cellwood Colonial Beaded is a type of beaded siding that comes in a 6.5" profile and includes a classic Southern look that incorporates two beads and shadow lines. This cladding is available in 8 Cellwood siding color options.

-- Price Range: $$/$$$
(2/3 out of 5)

Cellwood Colonial Beaded Pricing

Cellwood Dimensions Vinyl Siding

The Cellwood Dimensions vinyl siding is their premium panel that is rated to stand up to hurricane force winds. The collection is available in two distinct profiles that include a double 4" and the double 4.5" dutch lap siding. Consumers can choose from 23 exterior siding color options, including 4 cedar options of Chestnut, Juniper, Hickory and Spruce Blue.

-- Price Range: $$/$$$
(2/3 out of 5)

Cellwood Dimensions Costs

Cellwood Cedar Dimensions

Cellwood Cedar Dimensions is a vinyl siding that resembles the look and grain of a cedar shingle, without the maintenance requirement or the fading issues that cedar undergoes. The line comes in either a traditional straight shingle or in the round cut option. The round cut is available in 5 color options, while the straight shake siding comes in 17 color samples.

-- Price Range: $$$$
(4 out of 5)

Cellwood Cedar Dimensions Price

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Pricing On Additional Materials

Every project requires additional materials such as j and f channels, soffits, starter courses, nails housewrap and often additional pieces. The per square foot cost will vary based on each homeowner's tastes and attention to details. In general, these additional materials will run $1 to $2 per square foot.

-- Additonal Materials: $2 to $3 psf --

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Installation Prices

Installation costs will vary based on location, materials required, the overall condition of the home and the installation requirements. Cellwood sells all vinyl panels and shingles, which are relatively inexpensive to install compared to heavier materials such as brick or fiber cement boards. Most contractors will bid out the installation portion of the project at the $1 to $3 range per square foot.

-- Installation Costs: $2 to $4 psf --

Complete Project Pricing

Complete project pricing for Cellwood siding, all additional materials and the installation costs should fall in the $2.50 to $7 range. This is the total project price tag for everything. For instance, a project that requires 15 squares of materials using the Cellwood Dimensions premium vinyl siding will run anywhere from $4,500 to $9,300, with the average price coming in at $6,900.

-- Completed Project Cost: $$/$$$
(2/3 out of 5)

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