Craneboard Siding Reviews

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Craneboard Siding Reviews

Read 5 Craneboard siding reviews from contractors, homeowners and industry experts who have experience with the product and company.

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Bill - Site Editor

Page Last Updated: February 15, 2024

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Great Product, Poor Installation

It's important that you know that Craneboard is actually vinyl, so if you're looking for that quality siding, then you may prefer spending a little more and using Hardie.

While the Craneboard doesn't look bad for an affordable vinyl option, it doesn't offer the visual appeal you would get if you were using J Channels, for example. Since mine was done back in 2006, I haven't really had any problems except for the installation job, so it's always worthwhile to spend a little more on installation and use a professional and knowledgeable installation expert.

2022 - Steven - Homeowner

Crane Siding Recommendation

I have been using Crane for many years and can't fault their product, it can offer a great appearance and looks just like cedar. What many contractors do is try and sell customers an insulated panel claiming they are significantly more energy efficient, when in reality if the panels are installed correctly with XPS insulation board, they can beat the efficiency you would get with an insulated panel. I recommend Crane to all my clients, although I also know there are installers out there who swear by Hardieboard.

2022 - James - Contractor

Craneboard Siding Reviews

I recently had nearly 50 squares of the crane insulated board installed on our house and I have to say it looks fantastic. The panels were all 16 feet long with the triple profile and there are much less seems them with the traditional final boards that I've seen on other houses. I think we paid about $125 per square for the product and maybe two dollars a square foot for the installation, I can't remember what they charge just to remove the existing stuff off the house.

Dave - Homeowner - 2020

Crane Insulated Siding

What many contractors or sales men won't explain to you is that the insulated siding available on the market today has improved seams over the conventional siding. I find the Crane insulated siding is a good quality and is breathable. You may not think it's important for your siding to be breathable, but many insulated panels aren't breathable and therefore any moisture which builds up has no escape route. Overall I think insulated siding is constructed better, looks better and is a great product that will last for many years - but it comes at a price.

2018 - Kevin - Contractor

Craneboard Siding Review

I completed my siding job just over two years ago using Craneboard and can't complain. It is high quality vinyl and was considerably cheaper than Hardie. I do have one complaint and that is that you can see the seams, which is a little disappointing. If you choose this product, make sure you spend the time and money to have the entire area covered in Tyvec first to help with any moisture problems.

2017 - Donald - Real Estate Agent

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